
These are the laws, regulations, decrees and policies officially developed and approved by the government, for the purposes of regulating ICT Standards and Policies implemented by the Government of Ghana in their efforts towards the digitization of the economy. A reference to any Act, or to any Order, Regulation, Statutory Instrument or the like shall be deemed to include a reference to any amendment or re-enactment of the same.

Standards & Guidelines

The National Information Technology Agency (NITA) enforces the application of ICT Standards in the adoption, deployment, configuration and implementation of Information Communication Technology in government to enhance usage, access and security. The purpose of these Standards is to:

The purpose of these standards is to:

  • ensure the provision of quality information communications technology
  • promote standards of efficiency
  • ensure high quality of service.

In addition, these standards will facilitate the following:

  • the coherence in the MDAs ICT investments and activities
  • the implementation and monitoring of the national information communications technology policy.
  • the systematic implementation of national information communication technology policy.

Pursuant to Sections 3.3/3.8/3.10 and 4.5.2 of the Ghana ICT for Accelerated Development (ICT4AD) Policy (2003) and Section 3.1(b, o and p) of the National Information Technology Agency (NITA) Act, 2008, Act 77

NITA has developed many standards and guidelines with regards to its functions to regulate the development of IT. Some of the Standards and Guidelines currently being reviewed include,

Government website: It was developed for the management of Government Websites thereby improving the quality, reliability, accuracy and accessibility of online information pertaining to Government Institutions.

IT project Clearance for MDAS’: This is to ensure a coordinated, standardized and Cost-effective deployment of Information Technology for the overall benefit of the nation.

IT Governance Standards: This standard is part of the wider Corporate Governance activity but with a specific focus to IT and covers the culture, organization, policies, and practices that provide oversight and transparency of IT by recognizing the critical role IT functions play in an organization and the need to place it at par with other core functions in terms of reporting lines.

Electronic Records and Data Management Standards: This standard envisages sound management of electronic records by MDAs to ensure that they inherit features of authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability.

Systems and Applications Standards: This standard describes standards for developing (or purchasing and installing) and maintaining/managing computer applications for administrative purposes in Government.

Data Centre Standards: The data center infrastructure is central to the IT architecture, from which all content is sourced or passes through thus proper planning of the data center infrastructure design is critical, and performance, resiliency, and scalability need to be carefully considered.

LAN Standards: This guide provides an overview of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) structured cabling standards which must be adhered to while installing or maintaining the data, voice and video conferencing infrastructure across the different MDAs.

IT Frameworks

NITA has a function to develop and regulate Information Technology in Ghana and its major mandate under the NITA Act 2008. In line with the above, the Agency creates regulatory frameworks for the development of Information Technology in Ghana. Information Technology frameworks are a set of instructions or rules use to solve problems. IT frameworks are mostly used as a guide to decide on relevant actions to address a particular IT related problem.

Furthermore, NITA is at the forefront of regulating information Technology activity in Ghana, NITA, therefore, needs to protect the users of IT products and services against substandard through regulatory frameworks to ensure Reliability, Efficiency, Integrity & Trust on IT service delivery in Ghana.

NITA Information Technology regulatory frameworks serve as a conceptual structure that will serve as a support or a guide for the building and development of IT in Ghana.

The Agency has developed several regulatory frameworks for information technology development. However, most of the frameworks have been published both on soft copy and hard copy by the Agency. The Agency is currently embarked on the development of two regulatory frameworks for Information Technology development in government establishment.

e-Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) and Government of Ghana Enterprise Architecture (GGEA): This will create an enabling Information Technology environment for government digital transformation in Ghana. It will encourage cross portfolio services among MDAs’ and business services delivered seamlessly.

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